I loved meeting the people there. We worked with several families, but I worked most closely with the Bartholomew family. What a lovely couple and an incredibly close family! We painted their house (and yes, I spent most of the week on a ladder...a personal fear feat! Haha!)
The guys spent most of their time with two other families. They installed windows and I think they "tried" to install some doors...just kidding guys. They did a great job!
Our first day on the job, we worked with the City Park and a great lady named Lisa. Zack, one of our partner church's members, came and worked with us. He is hilarious and made the work go so much faster. We helped organize Christmas lights for a city production, kind of like Roper Mountain. Then we did some yard work around the park.
Zack (on the mound)
That afternoon we went to Friendship House, a NAMB women and children's home. We helped sort clothes and some of the guys did a little electrical work. I was excited about this part of the week, because my friends Kay and Karina run Friendship House.
Karina, my seminary roommate, and I. Can you tell who has been shoveling mulch? Haha!
Our second day, we started the work on the houses.
The house on the right, behind the FEMA trailer, was the house that we painted.
This house is one of the ones that the guys worked on.
Okay, so I wasn't on a ladder the WHOLE time...haha!
We partnered with a new church plant called Sojourn and worked through NAMB's Operation NOAH. We spent most of the week working with Travis, one of the teaching pastors at Sojourn, and Jenny, an intern with Sojourn. We fell in love with both of them and were so impressed with their hearts for the people.
Our last night, when Travis and Jenny took us out on the town....and we missed curfew...oh my! Bwahahaha!
We ended this trip in classic BCBC fashion...flat tire...haha...but God protected us and we got home safe and sound.
Pretty good blog for a kid who never got her camera out, huh?