Well the last thing that I wrote yesterday was "looking forward to some good sleep this week ." Last night, when I got home, my upstairs was a little on the toasty side...about 80 degrees. So I turned the thermostat way down thinking that maybe it the heater had just gone on a mad run and was getting ready to go back off. I went downstairs and watched a movie and worked on the computer for a bit and then headed off to bed. Well now the upstairs was about 82 degrees. So I turned off the thermostat and went to bed. It was so hot!!!! I tossed and turned from about 10 pm to about 12:30 am and finally drifted off (or passed out from heat exhaustion...not sure :) ). At 3 am, my dog leaped from the bed acting like he was dying of thirst and headed downstairs. When I followed him into the hall, the thermostat was registering 90 degrees. Oh baby! Talk about a sauna! I headed downstairs and gave Cop some water and let him out in the cold to cool off and I got online to figure out how to fix the thermostat (as if...haha). When I got on the company's website, one of the only directions that I actually understood was "turn off the breaker." Wow! Why didn't I think of that? So that's what I did. By 9:30 am, we were still registering 65 degrees and Copper and I both looked like we had been through it! So here's the good part. After writing that blog yesterday, I laid in bed at 3:30 am this morning thinking. God, you got this! You can fix it! You can make it affordable! You can provide the funds! You can help me think of ways to cut back in other places! Whatever the solution, I'm just going to wait and not worry, because you are in control. You've got this! And pretty soon, I was fast to sleep. Granted the alarm went off 2 and a half hours later, but it was 2 and a half more hours than I would have gotten worrying. I would love to tell you the end of the story, but I don't know it yet. A heating guy came for a little over an hour today and said that he couldn't fix it because it was a mechanical problem and he is sending someone else tomorrow. So we'll see, but I know that no matter what 1. God is in control and 2. I am not going to make this wait about the wait. I am going to hear from God about what He is teaching me about trusting Him. And since the breaker is still shut off, it may be a little easier, because I won't have to listen over the sound of heat roaring through the house. :) Haha