Everyone (don't you love that clear as mud indefinite pronoun) says that journaling is one of the greatest things that you can do for your spiritual walk. They (hee hee) are probably right. Journaling, however, is one of the hardest things for me to do! I always start well and then three or four days later fall short of my original goal. I either put it off, quit, or completely quit being honest and start writing as if my journal is going to be the next Diary of Anne Frank. Well, this session in Greenhouse I am teaching a class called
What To Do With Your Wait. It is the best class that I have ever taught. I am really loving the material!!!! Except....the author of the study wants us to journal. So here we are a week into it and I, as the teacher, am still trying to figure out how to journal. And then it hit me. I should kill two birds with one stone. So for the next six weeks, my blog is going to become my journal...and I have all of you to keep me accountable. I am going to blog about what God is teaching me through this Greenhouse class. So here goes.....
This week I have really been thinking a lot about how God wants to use the "waiting room" of life to teach us things. There are things in life that I have been waiting for for a little while and things that I have been waiting for a lifetime and I am struggling to learn much in the process. I think I used to be better at it than I am now and I think I may know why.... TECHNOLOGY. I know that sounds really strange, but I think it is true. My cell phone allows me to check my email, text and call my friends, surf the internet (including my facebook page), play games, etc.... My DVR allows me to record all kinds of tv shows that I would normally miss due to work or sleep or life. My IPOD and XM radio allow me to hear the music or comedian or talk show or ball game that I want when I want it. So anytime that I have a spare minute to think or listen or hear, I can quickly find something in life to make noise and fill that space up. And unfortunately, that is what I find myself doing more often than not. When I get lonely, instead of asking God what He is trying to teach me in this "Single" stage in life, I catch myself checking my facebook and email a thousand times a day to see if anyone is planning anything fun. When I begin to think about my finances or my health or a habitual sin that God is convicting me of, I turn on the radio or the tv and drown out the hard lessons that God is trying to teach me. So I am working on not being a technology junkie and on taking time to just listen and hear. I was talking to Marshall about this this week and he reminded me of Psalm 46:10 where it says "Be still and know that I am God; I will be exalted among the nations, I will be exalted in the earth."
You know, now that I am doing it, I realize even journaling can be a way to think and hear what God is saying. I guess
they really are right.