I came to work this morning a little nervous about the comments that I would get about the newest addition to my closet. Before I got out of the car, I knew that Robbie would make some kind of joke about my choices hurting his eyes and that dad would probably just shake his head and say nothing, but I never expected such disdain for one simple outfit. It started with Cindy. She was nice enough, but I think the word she used was "interesting" and then she threw in something about fitting in with college students to make me feel better. Next was Ben, followed by Robbie, and even David Nabors got in on the action. I believe it was Taylor Swift that he compared me to (and it wasn't a compliment...haha.) But the final blow came from the depths of the Sr. pastor's office, when he said, "That is THE ugliest outfit you have EVER worn." Now you may think that at this point in the day I am depressed, but there is one thing that you are forgeting.... I'm not working with the most fashion forward group of men to ever live. I work with Ralph Carter, not Ralph Lauren. So I am holding my head high and assuming (regardless of how erroneously it may be) that I am at the top of my fashion game.

By the way, here is what the editor of Style~Heart or Hate had to say about this pic of Jordan Sparks...
"I will admit that I HATED this trend back around 2001 when it first popped up. But now I can't get enough of it. Babydoll dresses, tight dresses, mini-dresses all look GREAT over jeans. The key is in the length of the dress. The dress shouldn't be longer then your knees and the jeans can be cropped or full length, it depends on the look you're going for."
All I have to say is... "2001!!!!"
Oh, and for those of you who don't know the staff well, we all really love each other and have fun giving each other a hard time. If my clothes are all they make fun of...I'm getting off pretty easy!