Last night the college kids headed down to Fountain Inn for a night of Ice Skating and carriage rides. I was so excited. I had visions of us all in hats, mittins, scarves, and coats skating around being jolly. Well, that didn't happen! Haha! The "ice" was actually greasy plastic. Now that is some hard stuff to skate on. We were aloud to be on the "ice" for 55 minutes. Three times around the rink and I was out! Haha...and I wasn't the first one to take my skates off! So after we all got the plastic shavings off of our tank tops (because it was a balmy 70 degrees outside), we took a carriage ride. Now that was a lot of fun. The students saved a front row seat for me....right behind the horse...how sweet! Seriously, I had no idea how pretty the houses on Main Street in Fountain Inn are decorated for Christmas. Its worth a drive down 385 just to see the houses. Afterwards we headed to Mauldin to see the best decorated house in Greenville county. This place gives Hollywild a run for its money...and its free. All in all we had a really good time, which I think is a reminder to us all that its not what you do, but who you do it with!