Last week Colette, Carla, and I had the incredible opportunity of attending the Innovate conference at Granger Community Church. It was by far the greatest conference that I have ever been to! It was so refreshing! All of the speakers left me with something that I needed to hear, for our church and for myself personally! It was also great to hang out with the girls...(wmb...hahaha!) You can hear (and see) all of the things that happened at the conference at www.wiredchurches.com/site/Innovate07_summary.html. Scroll down about halfway to wear it says "Watch Innovate Sessions." My favorite speaker was Guy Kawasaki. He was phenomenal! If you click on his talk and just want to hear his presentation, fast forward to 26 minutes into the session. I hope you enjoy it as much as I did! Whatever it is that you do....be innovative!