Well, I must be crazy, because I let Grubbs talk me into taking part in the Breast Cancer 3-Day. It is actually a pretty cool thing that I am really excited about. We will go to Atlanta on Oct. 12th and walk 20 miles and then camp that night. We will wake up and do the same thing on the 13th and then on the 14th we will walk 20 miles and have a closing ceremony.

So now for my shameless, flagrant, blatant, barefaced, overt, brazen, brash, audacious, outrageous, undisguised, unconcealed, transparent; immodest, indecorous; unabashed, unashamed, unblushing, and unrepentant appeal for money. PLEASE donate to this wonderful cause! How about a dollar for every mile? That's only $60. Haha! Okay, how about $10. It would only take 220 people giving $10. For you college kiddos, how about $5. That's about the same as one Starbucks....just think of it as Coffee Talk for Breast Cancer...haha! If you want to donate you can either mail me a check written to Breast Cancer 3-Day or you can go to www.the3day.org/atlanta07/angelacarter and make an online donation. Okay, well I will be keeping you updated on our training and on our fundraising efforts. Oh, and if you have any ideas for fundraisers or companies who might donate or match gifts, drop me a line!