Sunday, February 4, 2007
Opps...I take that back
Okay...first of all let me just say that the fact that I am blogging about this means that I am really, REALLY bored! Haha! So here goes. I was reading back over my last blog where I said that this was the worst I remember feeling in a long time. Apparently those are the kinds of things that we say when we are in the depths of feeling bad. I have to recall this statement because back in October I thought I was going to die in Slovakia. Haha!
Beautiful places right? But do you see my face? Haha! I really thought my family was going to have to fly overseas to bury me. Now that is definitely the sickest I have ever been! And don't even get me started on the "rare but serious side effect" of the medicine I was put on. Haha! That may, subconciously, be why I haven't ventured to see the doc this time. I think I am still shell shocked. Haha! We have a team going back to Slovakia this summer and they have asked me if I am going to go with them. I can't imagine going back. Isn't that sad? It is kind of like when I was 5 or 6 and got sick at Denny's. I think I was a Sr. in high school before I could make myself go back there. I think that may also be when I decided that I didn't like eggs. Slovakia was nice and Prague was the most gorgeous city I have ever seen. I sure hope that I can get over that someday because I would love to visit these places again. But, it probably won't be anytime soon!