I went to Richmond to the International Mission Board for conferences this last week. I got to spend the weekend before in Williamsburg and then Friday night I stopped back in for the night before heading to Ridgecrest.
Carla, Scout, and I did lots of shopping. We also took Scout down to Colonial Williamsburg and got some shots with local statues and trees and stuff...haha.
Scout is way too good a girl to actually be put in shackles! Haha!
This poor guy...he toured Williamsburg by horse carriage all alone for at least 30 minutes. We kept wondering if we should ask if we could join him, but we decided he might need some time alone. Haha!
One night we all went to Christiana Campbell's Tavern. That was a blast. All of the staff wore colonial garb and there was no electricity. It was a little pricey, but one of those things you should definitely do if you visit Williamsburg. One man came by playing some kind of guitar and Scout was mesmerized. He sang a song called, well, actually I can't remember, but I have a call out to Carla about that. Haha! We had so much fun with that song. Carla even looked it up on iTunes so that we could have more fun with it at home. But the two greatest things that happened at Christiana's were from other guests. There was this woman who was totally into the whole colonial experience. She wrapped the napkin around her like they used to do, which was hilarious. But then she started talking. She was talking to the man that she was with about the speech that she heard Thomas Jefferson give that afternoon. I think she really thought that she had been transported in time. Matt and I had a really hard time not laughing about that. Then the customer who had been at our table before us came back because she lost her wallet. You have to understand how tightly they have these tables crammed into this room. We hardly had any room and we were trying to keep Scout happy until the food came, when this woman came to our table and asked if we could get up so that she could crawl under our table and look for her wallet. Remember there is no electricity in this place. The waiter had already asked to look one time. Now this could have either been very frustrating or absolutely, positively hilarious. I was with Matt and Carla...so...it was ABSOLUTELY hilarious! We were cracking up, even while the woman was on the floor under our table. Even funnier, the wallet was not there. We were guessing that her son had something to do with the missing wallet. Haha!
Now at Christmas Scout had her "cheese" smile on every time the camera flashed. Now she is doing this look of shock or surprise. It is so funny. She raises her eyebrows, rounds her mouth and sucks in air. She does it anytime the camera goes off or anytime something new is introduced. Now I don't mean new as in something she has never seen before, I mean new as in if you walk in holding a glass of water, or the remote, or a pair of socks. Haha. I love it.
She has this uncanny way of making you feel like you are her favorite person in the world. It is so wonderful! I could just eat her up. I hate being so far from her.
I really had a good time with Carla too. What a great sister! I am so blessed to have her. Matt...well, that goes without saying. I have loved him since the day that bright eyed baby was born. Man, I miss them! And pistachio pudding and the President's Parade! Haha