HAHA!!!! I know what you are thinking...like we care! Well, I will try to make this as entertaining and enlightening as possible. Haha! I actually thought that this would be a great way to keep up with my friends. See for my job, I do a lot of traveling. For example, this summer I was in Vancouver, Mexico, and Slovakia...not to mention my fun trips to Savannah and Williamsburg. Anyway, most of you guys are constantly ragging me about not knowing where I am, so now all you have to do is log on and find out. Haha!
For instance, I know many of you are thinking...what is Ange doing right this minute...well....
Being stupid...what did you expect...haha!
Don't you love this t-shirt? Haha! Props to Brandon for the sweet tee he gave me for my birthday! Thanks Bran! Haha!
Okay...I'll be back when I have more to say that actually means something! Oh, by the way, Happy Anniversary Mattie and Carlotta! I love having a sister...and I couldn't have hand-picked a better one...oh wait, I did hand-pick you! Haha!
Mattie, Carlotta, and the Scoutster!