The first is the Neti Pot.

This is a strange little pot that you fill with warm salt water and pour into your nose. You pour the water in one nostril and watch it flow out of the other nostril. Nasty right?! Well, its not the most fun activity, but after a little while you feel so much better! It really clears your sinuses! And here's a little hint, CVS has their own version that they are selling at buy one get one half off right now. You can get the refills at half off instead, if you want to. So you end up getting the pot and lots and lots of solution packets for less than $20. Woo hoo!
I saved the best for last. This little gem is called the turbo snake.

You can get this for $10 in the check out line at Wal Mart. If you have long or loose hair (I have both), you need this item!!!!! I have gone through countless bottles of draino. Well, no more! Again, this is a little gross, but it works so well. You run this little mascara wand looking tube down the sink drain and then twist. When you pull it out, you have a wig on the end of it and water will begin to flow down the drain again. There is also one for the tub. This one allows you to pull out two wigs. Haha
Well, I hope that this post will enhance your 2010! Happy New Year! :)