She is the only one in my family who:
1. can hit a baseball farther than my dad
2. is smart enough to stay out of a lightweight truck in a snow storm
3. sees a spiritual truth in snow
4. can REALLY frown
5. pays you to run a comb down her back
6. thinks dad and Matt are ALWAYS funny
7. makes her taco salad recipe based on whose special day it is
8. thinks I am an expert at anything
9. rents a movie she has been dying to see,
only to fall asleep during the opening sequence
10. can make a tummy ache better just by being there
11. makes the best Sunday dinners
12. lets Matt hit her with an electric flyswatter
13. could be the mom. What a tough job! And she does it like a champ!
I love you mom. You are the greatest! Thanks for all you do!
Happy Mother's Day!